
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Leadership and Organizational Culture Essay -- Leadership Theory, Powe

House et al. (2007) discovers that leadinghip and Organisational culture are most linked together as leaders influence the culture of their organisations. Researches rag about a range of leadership definitions tho it is not blue-blooded to define. (E.g. Western, 2008 Yukl, 2010). However, Cohen (2009) critically analyses definitions from Dracker (1996), Eisenhower (1969), Northouse (2004) and finally summarised the definition of leadership constitutes five elements. First of all, convey question to set direction, which means utile leaders need to get word to followers voice respectfully and then share the common goals and ideas with them. In addition, leaders need to seek insights and allocate resources optimally act ethically allow their employees to work in a conformable and most effective way. This essay will explain different leadership styles and how they influence the organisations with examples of organisations and leaders with main focus on well-known entrepreneur Sir Alan Sugar. He grows from nil to incredible success ( 730 million), is a legend in the UK business annals his reality TV show The Apprentice, a great pastime for recruitment appeals to the public without reasons. However, he as a person is controversial amongst people, probably due to his leadership style as bullying or harassment (destructive). There are four schools of leadership styles Trait, behavioural, contingency and transformational. Nevertheless, in the case of Alan Sugar, trait and transactional styles match him which will be illustrated following in detail.As Yukl (2010) indicates, such factors (e.g. personality, values and capacities) attributed to a leader. Normally it is widespread declare that someone is born to be a lead... ...l man who enables others to think and do in his way (role model) and his employees work him for unconditional loyalty (e.g. his PA), also, adopt a fair system of rewards and punishments however, as a leader sometimes he just needs some tr ansformational styles which respect and communicate with followers as rather than forced them to shut up rudely. As for organizational culture, the name obtains further understanding that some factors attribute to detect cultures existed in an organisation, chat system, for example. As a result, it can be identified that his culture not only can be classified as power but task. Moreover, due to the changeable outside environment, compounded and flexible cultures seems to be a better way for an organisations sustainable development. Therefore, leadership is tightly related to organizational culture.

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