
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Motivational Theories and Factors Essay

Stress and divergence in the pass water dumbfound can scram major emotional and forcible damage to the facility and workers. In the past, in that respect have been reports of tragedies caused by disgruntled workers who may have clocked in with a gun in hand. We ar going to look into three motivational theories including the relationship of stress and battle in relation to someone motivations. Many factors can move employees plot of land at work. Some of the motivating factors could include the structure of the lives of the employees before they became employed. personality is a big factor in employee performance and motivation.Some hotshot that is an draw in may non have the same mind set as an extrovert. This will definitely dictate how that employee behaves and responds to directives at work. Turmoil has happened in young years in workplace settings. Let us take a closer look at a tragic workplace incident. Omar Thornton was a thirty-four year old black delivery d river in Manchester Connecticut. On August 4, 2010, he signed his resignation papers in front of witnesses after he saw video footage of him stealing beer from his company. in the lead leaving the room he reportedly pulled a gun and started helter-skelter shooting workers he came across.In the end, he killed eight, leaving two weakened before he killed himself. Thorntons relatives and girlfriend said he had been get to in a racial manner. This story is not the only one we have seen in the news. It proves that motivation can be a radical of good behavior or negative. In Thorntons case he was motivated by what he thought to be racially aimed mistreatment from his albumen co workers. This caused him to become stressed and it reached a deadly point of conflict, a him against them scenario. In the real world, no employee should al beginning their job stress to motivate them to take lives or destroy property.Stress can lead to unplayful consequences, whether it becomes a health issu e or affects performance in a negative way. If employees are in constant conflict over prudence issues, pay working conditions or other concerns, this can lead to low moral among the employee congregation. It wont matter if all employees are complicated in the struggle, dissatisfaction can spread like sand into each individuals boundaries. It will be the main topic around the wet cooler each day. The job for management is to keep employees motivated in the right direction for the good of the company and its productivity.Management can tending decrease the incidents of job dissatisfaction by following these steps. Positive reinforcement should forever follow an employees job swell done. When problems or disagreements arise the discipline should endure the crime. All persons who live up to their expected performance should be inured in a fair respectful manner. Goals should always be well pronounced so that no employee will say they didnt have what was expected of them. Some jobs may need to be restructured to generate weaken productivity.All employees who perform in an acceptable capacity should be rewarded fro their compliance. increase pay or a truck load of benefits may not always be at the top of the list when it comes to employee motivation. People exigency to feel needed and appreciated on the job. They want to know that their work is worth something. So, to decrease the incidents of stress, unfairness which can lead to conflict and disgruntled or dissatisfied employees, companies need to place value on employees who are doing what they are asked.When conflicts arise, there should be a procedure in place to allow every voice to be heard. When I am complex in stressful work situations, I bring it to the attention of my segment manager. I do not attack an individual, I attack the cause of the problem. I follow the companys guidelines for resolution, it has always worked for me. Since I started this class, I have learned that positive external m otivation can also decrease or prevent stress in the workplace. So there should be a plan already in place to question off negative incidents.

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