
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Perceived Aspects Required in an Ideal System of Education

An ideal system of education requires distinct characteristics. Our education system today is non quite double-dyed(a). All education cornerstones shargon a parking area goal. The goal is for completely the educatees to solve dwellledge that they didnt cod before in order to compete in the real world. Morowitz wrote that many mint mean education is a method acting of transferring knowledge from master to pupil. The majority of mess believe this is obtaining education. on that point is to a greater extent to the excogitation that savants are depositories and the teachers are the depositor. ( Paule Friere ) The conquest of the disciples are directly connected to the environment he is surrounded. A perfect education system has to start with a comfort able-bodied environment. The teacher in any case has to be knowledgeable and not believe in the myth that teachers justifies their profess existence through their schoolchilds ignorance absolute. (Paule Friere) A perfe ct institution of education should be able to accommodate cultural change, diversity, have a strict syllabus with alternative teaching strategies, and promotes interaction among their peers.In 1998, a television political program c completelyed 60 Minutes, aired a special investigation of the fall in States educational system when compared to the educational system of mainland China and Germany. The results of this investigation strike many citizens of the U. S. , including myself. According to 60 minutes, the United States system of education is failing tremendously when compared to other to Germany and China. They found a direct connection amongst the failure of U. S. students and the teaching methods the U. S. imposes on them. Also, the success of the students of China and Germany shared a similar philosophy.China and Germany greatly promotes interaction mingled with the students at a very young date. In the States, the students are more(prenominal) than evoke in indi vidual success. Ameri support students learn to become a distinct individual. These studentss believe that this individuality is what defines them. Every 1 is forever competing against one another, trying to create an identity for themselves. A junior in senior high school may think that pastureing at Mc take upalds makes him a MAN while in China and Germany, their students are probably pedagogy for a wagerer job in the rising.Very few American students are cosmos introduced to group work and the concept of interaction among their classmates. They dont realize the strong bonding that occurs when people share and dispute ideas because the United States doesnt realize it either. Inversely, in Germany and China, the concept of group work is greatly stressed. They believe it leads to a much greater benefit. As 60 minutes investigated, they found out that students in Germany and China have higher(prenominal) test scores than American students, on that point are less crimes, and the constituent of unemployment is extremely small.These students learn at a very young age to get along with one another, to share ideas, and to resolve their conflicts in a non-violent fashion. The broader view of Germany and China is that interaction among students at an early age, promotes a more civil club in the picture. While America is more interested in individuality, China and Germany are investing in the future with the concept of group work. China and Germanys out ensure on the future with the promotion of teamwork is why their educational system is so successful when compared to Americas educational system.In a perfect educational system, interaction among students go away greatly be encouraged. Teachers are a very meaning(a) element in successfully transferring knowledge from the teacher to the pupil. In this institution, teachers are not allowed to believe that they are superior to the students. When this occurs, and the inequality sets in, the student bequeath b e hesitant to ask motilitys about(predicate) champaigns they dont understand. When a student does this, he is unintentionally hurting himself.He will not have gain and understand the true meaning of what is being taught by the teacher because he is more focused on the educational gap between the student and teacher. The student penurys to able to question everything that is being taught. By victimisation the Socratic method, students will understand topics rather than believing what other people are saying. There learns to be a respectful descent between the student and teacher. The student regard the teacher and the teacher respects the student equally. This relationship between student and teacher is very big journey of obtaining knowledge.There should be no other kinds of relationship. The only delicious form is through the connection that they both share as being teacher and being student. Next, the teacher need to responsible for the materials they are covering. They need to be fluent or else the student will have doubts about the material and ultimately the teacher. The more secure the teacher is with his material the more the student will trust the material and the teacher. If a teacher is not confident and prepared, there will be doubts that will be brocaded in the minds of the student.More betaly, the teacher will need to care about the student and guide them towards their goal. In A Cub-Pilots Experience, by scoring Twain, Mr. Bixby, the instructor is determined to teach Twain how to pilot a steamboat through the river. Bixby does not use force only instead lets Twain in stages realize that he is learning. All Bixby does is guide Twain but he lets Twain makes his own mistakes and learn from it. Like Bixby, all teachers need to know when to step aside so that the student can make shape up and help the student up when he fails.The most beneficial qualities of an beautiful teacher are the ability to care for the student and the encoura gement teachers will for the students. Teachers are just an extension of parents caring and encouragement are ii characteristics of parents. The next important element in a perfect educational institution, is the curriculum. There needs to be a flexible curriculum that accommodates all the different intellectual abilities of all the students. Not all the students will have the same learning capabilities. Some students may have a learning disability and others may be genuinely intelligent.The curriculum is strict but still is flexible enough to accommodate each individual student. The existent courses need to be comprehensive. The subjects being studied needs to be updated constantly by the teachers. A perfect institution will have all area of studies accessible to the students. Any particular major or subject will be left to the students to decide. When they do decide what they want to study, there will be the necessary courses to cover that major. In order for a student to pass a course, he needs to be able to teach the information he learned in that course.This teaching method is very important. If a student is able to teach something then that student truly understands it. This method of testing the knowledge of the student should be the concluding examination for every course. This method is more valid than the constant question and answer method being used today, which promotes temporarily memorization. The next division in a perfect institution is the actual environment itself. numerous people are influenced by their surrounding. An intellectual community needs to look like an intellectual community.It will be located in an area, which is safe. The students need to feel comfortable. A comfortable learning environment leads to the success of the students. There should be no distractions that will keep the student from learning. In addition, the institution needs to be culturally diverse. All different nationalities will be accepted. There will no fo rms of discrimination. An Asian person is equal in every respect to Caucasian. On the basis of acceptance to this institution, a students character and ambition are the most important qualities.Grades will not be extremely important as it is now. With all of these characteristics, the students should be able to concentrate on obtaining their education. Though the tax of creating and maintaining a perfect institution is a difficult task, it can be created. People need to come together with this structure and guideline in mind. The educated ones need to continue to educate others. In Platos metaphor of the Cave, Plato wrote that people who see the light and understand the true meaning of something, do not want to associate themselves with the uneducated ones.This will not sink in a perfect institution. Plato also wrote, A well governed city becomes a possibility only if you can discover a better way of life for your future rulers than holding office. (page 83) This realization is extremely important to future students. Educated people need to think of the future and society as a whole. They need to help educate others, just as others, educated them. If all of these characteristics are met in an institution, then that institution can be labeled, perfect.

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