
Monday, March 4, 2019

Cities vs Suburb

August 10, 2010 Cities VS Suburbs There many opinions about cities and suburbs. What ar the differences among them? I fox lived in Richmond, KY for a year. It is a very small, county place. accordingly I have been living in Elizabeth, NJ for 2 years. It is not forged like saucily York. I target come to any(prenominal) difference between cities and suburbs. For example, these differences between cities and suburbs be attractions, den inducty of population and their environment. Cities suffer a massive essence of attraction. Cities atomic number 18 the principal edge of what is happening.For example, in New York City we can find the best and the most ample museums, theaters, concert halls. Also we have a wide choice of bars, darkclubs and restaurants. New York City is a urban center that never sleeps. If you want dinner at 1100, you can find a wide range of restaurants dissonant until late hours. On the contrary, Suburbs are places where you cant the alike(p) amount o f attraction as in the cities, but you can get pleasure from the environment such as forests, animals, putting surfaces, and tourist places.For example, I liked Kentucky because I traveled across it. I will never forget when I went to this place called Cumberland Fall, also known as theLittle Niagara, or theNiagara of the South. It is a large waterfallon theCumberland Riverin southeasternKentucky where you can design a rainbow every full moon. In conclusion cities have to a greater extent attraction than the cities Another difference between cities and suburbs is the density of population.Cities have a mass transit of community that may be convenient, but its just now private. Neighbors can easily look in the windows of buildings across the street. Also, Cities have a lot of traffic because of the density of population. Traffic and finding a park are always problematic during the work day because of the amount of people in the cities. For example, in New York City is a very gan g city where you can find many tourists everywhere. On the other hand, the suburbs are less crowed than the cities.Additionally to less population, suburbs have long distance between places, and its roadstead are bigger than the city roads consequently, there is not practically traffic, and we dont feel the big mass of population. To sum up density of population is a big variety between cities and suburbs. separate different between cities and suburbs is their environment. The cities have a very noisy environment. For the same reason you can get dinner at 1100 PM, the city is very rowdy at 1100 PM.Police sirens and fire truck horns are amplified, and you can hear them all night. There isnt any quiet in the city you can hear whats going on in the flatbed beside you, above you, and below you, and they can hear you. However, in the suburb you can hear the sound of the nature, such as birds, wind, and trees, and it stimulates you. For instance, in the suburb we have many family that need to get the kids off to school, have late night dinners, and many other activities during the day that midnight jazz dont do much for them.For example, when I was in Kentucky I loved to go to the park and just sit in the grass and listen to the wind. All in all cities are more rowdy than the suburb In conclusion, my experience in two places helped me to create criteria about the differences between the cities and the suburbs. Attraction, density of population and environment are some of the different between cities and suburbs. I prefer to live in the suburbs where you can be safe and have peace of mind, without a big population and traffic.

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