
Monday, March 4, 2019

Understanding Contemporary Moral Issues from a Catholic

Understanding Contemporary Moral Issues from a Catholic Perspective Withdrawal of heart-sustaining medical sermon. And the dust goes back to the cosmos as it was, and the spirit goes back to God who gave It. (Ecclesiastic 127). In ordain for me to comprehend and discuss the clean-living Issue of withdrawal of life- sustaining medical treatment from a Catholic office, I needed to have an understanding of what Bioethics refers to. It is a shared reflective analysis and discussion of ethical issues in wellness care, health science, and health policies.It engages dialogue and thought from our society comprising of doctors, diligents, scientists, politicians and the general customary (What Is Bioethics? 2014). Using Bioethics as a framework to discuss withdrawal of life, It dish ups us to realism the position the Catholic church has adopted In Its views and beliefs.. The catholic church wishes to trigger a deeper thinking regarding good issues and offers practical help in chast e decision making by encouraging us to think about the role of the church building in society from two distinct roles that of Doctrinal and of Pastoral (Rev Dry.Joe Parkinson, personal communication, July 18, 2014). One of my duties as a teacher facilitating in a Catholic Education School Is non only to Identify what the Catholic perform doctrine upholds, but likewise to counsel and support those In need. The Catholic doctrinal view Is that at that place needs to be a prohibition on euthanasia, beca practice society whitethorn create a sub-class if we approve help death and what the Church offers is a development when bringing about a change of societys mindset in which you offer p onlyiative care and man hoary pain relief instead of tone at euthanasia as the only option (Dry.Joe Parkinson). The Church acknowledges that this Is a challenge In an aging society, but e need to get up an environment that upholds the dignity of the sick, vulnerable and the aged. From a pastoral a pproach, the Catholic side Is that decision making regarding appreciate and morals is based on a process of identifying the options and choosing what is most important to us. The Catholic Church advocates discussion and trial run of what is driving the decisions and what are the other values and factors at play.Saying this, the Catholic Church also realizes that the choices are often non perfect and one actually Important point Is to emphasis that the Church will never toss someone based on differences of viewpoint and acknowledges that individuals may have inject to a decision, knowing that is the best that they can do, having balanced the ethical and moral decisions in their conscience. The Catholic Church appreciates that as gay bes we are not remote controlled Catholics.However, the Church also recognizes it has to take a position regarding morality, a standpoint that asks us to recognize that we are responsible for our decisions and that they Impact the big picture In regards to Catholic Church teaches us to value life, enhance and to protect life (Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers, 1995). The Church also promotes ingathering and counsel to sits individuals in the decision making process and urges individuals to examine whether they encounter the outcomes are acceptable before God.Saying this, the Church also understands that we need to be true to ourselves. Whilst our ethics, our reasoned choices, may often be intuitive, they allow us to make choices that make us accountable as individuals. These ethical choices expresses our values and our actions as well as our intentions, it essentially defines our values. In the issue of withdrawing life-support, it is kinda possible to go about getting the right thing, but issue about it in the wrong way.Morals and ethics challenge the thought that if it does not break the law than it is acceptable. However, some lawful acts are not morally right. From a Catholic teaching perspective the pri mary objective and value is To preserve the dignity of the person and this remains its fundamental value. Unfortunately, it is often forgotten. The Catholic Church advocates that life is a gift and acknowledges that we are part of all creation and therefore, we are the stewards of the world, not the domination.The symbolism of the crucifix is a reminder to Christians that we understand and trust in Jesus, that there is eternal life and that e need to live through our mortal life. This viewpoint is that life is a gift and on that basis alone we have a righteousness to protect the weak, vulnerable, the young and the old. This is one of fundamentals of Christianity. Yet as human beings we experience illness, suffering and death and sometimes euthanasia may wait like the best choice. However, when we treat other human beings as spendable we diminish our own humanity (Dry Joe Parkinson).The Catholic Church suggests that when we make moral decisions, we make these using a formula a for mat for our moral decision-making, one in which we examine what the facts are and what is ally going on. A set up that asks the individual whether their event values are being respected, upheld and what the guiding ethical principles knobbed are. The rhetorical triangle (Image 1) is helpful to understand how it is used by the Catholic Church for teaching and passing on the values of the Church. (Image 1 . The Rhetorical Triangle, reproduced from Google images).This type of plan will forefront who should be involved in the decision making and whether the decisions will and should be reviewed? This framework would also take into account what legal definitions need to be considered in terms of unwanted reattempt versus the decision of suicide, it will identify what the core values involving the patient are, who are the other relevant people involved and also the duty of care that affects the hospital staff, whilst still protecting the individuals self-sufficiency (Euthanasia law i s no cure-all for Dutch doctors, 2009).What is interesting to note, is that the Catholic perspective is that life should not be preserved at all be if it does not take into account the dignity of the individual and their decision on whether they wish to take part with treatment and whether they have been given the probability o think and discuss if the means of treatment is morally disproportionate, does not offer any reasonable therapeutic benefit, is overly burdensome or, in some given us intelligence to think things through, yet the Church will never advocate the taking of a human life (Dry Joe Parkinson).On the other hand, the law takes the view that duty of care is higher than the individuals autonomy. These laws impact on careers and hospital staff alike, as in the case of Christian Roister, a 49 year old man who was left quadriplegic afterwards being hit by a car. A Western Australian landmark court decision ruled in favor of Mr.. Roister, stating that a patient had the r ight to refuse treatment and to choose not to stupefy nutrition and hydration and any person or care group providing mitigatory care would not be criminally responsible (Physician-assisted suicide the akin as euthanasia? 014). To safeguard the autonomy of the person, the Catholic Church endorses the use of Advanced Care Plans and appointment of an Enduring Guardian to ensure that the patient is treated and cared for respectfully and with dignity. In Christina Tones report entitled Assisted Suicide. How the click classes have got it wrong, 2010 she writes about Debbie Purdue, who suffered from Multiple Sclerosis.Debby Purdue won the right to have the quest guidelines affecting those who assist suicide clarified and in 2010, the United landed estate published guidelines that in no way pave the way for assisted suicide but call for each case to be Judged on its own merits. These guidelines are imperative in protecting those working with the sick, disabled, aged or terminally ill and for those worried that if assisted suicide were to be introduced on compassionate grounds, it would lead to death on request or euthanasia without consent. Finally, as a teacher in a Catholic Education system.

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